LITERA : journal of english linguistics and literature2024-09-23T15:40:46+00:00Dr. Wa’özisökhi Journal Systems<h2>Lingua Litera : journal of english linguistics and literature</h2> <div id="content"> <div id="journalDescription"> <p><strong>Journal of English Linguistics and Literature </strong>is a journal that publishes twice a year, in June and September. Lingua Litera provides a forum for scholars of English Language Studies with a particular interest in studying Literature, Linguistics, and Education. It focuses on research journals, scientific articles in the form of analysis, application and application of theory, research results, and discussion of literature in the language field. Lingua Litera is accredited by Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, and SINTA. Lingua Litera uses the Open Journal System and email. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed by national reviewers.</p> <p>Journal title :<strong> Lingua Litera: Journal of English Linguistics and Literature</strong><br> Abbreviation : <strong>Lingua Litera</strong><br> ISSN : 2503-0302 (e) 2406-8330 (p)<a href=""><br> </a>DOI Prefix : <a href="">10.55345</a> by Crossref<br> Frequency : twice a year (June and September)<br> Indexing : National Grade : -<br> Impact Factor : <br> Journal History : See <a href="#">Journal history </a><a href="#"><em> </em><br> </a>Editors : See <a href="">Editorial Team</a></p> </div> </div> OBJECTIFICATION OF WOMEN IN KELLY SUE DECONNICK’S GRAPHIC NOVEL BITCH PLANET2024-09-23T15:40:46+00:00Afri Candraafricandra@gmail.comDian Eka<p>This research investigates a dystopian graphic novel written by Kelly Sue Deconnick. It portrays women as objects and forms of women's objectification in a male-dominated world. It utilizes Simone de Beauvoir's concepts of objectivity and subjectivity to explore the position of women as objects in several areas, including private and social life. The research was qualitative. The data was collected from the literary work itself as well as other scientific articles and literature analyses. The findings showed two forms of objectification done toward women, including isolation and oppression to punish and correct their behavior. This study highlights how these themes mirror real-world gender dynamics, fostering a critical dialogue about systemic patriarchy. The graphic novel serves as a powerful medium to question and challenge societal norms regarding women's roles and identities.</p>2024-09-23T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPLEMENTATION OF FLIPPED LEARNING IN LIA2024-09-23T15:40:46+00:00Andry<p>This research aimed to find out and explain in detail how LIA teachers in West Sumatera apply flipped learning since this institution has successfully applied this learning process since 2018 (even before the Pandemic). This study also found problems faced by LIA teachers in conducting flipped learning and ways to solved the problems. An ethnographic research was conducted to study how teachers in LIA applied flipped learning since it is considered as an in-depth study of a particular group of people in their own environment. The researchers observed their routines activities, participated in their activities, and conducted in-depth interviews. Moreover, the researchers studied not only observed the teachers but also all component that supported the implementation of flipped learning in LIA. There were 3 LIA branches and there were 7 teachers observed (3 teachers are in LIA Padang, 2 teachers are in LIA Bukittinggi, and the others are from LIA Payakumbuh). From the research, it was found that Flipped learning in LIA is compulsory. All teachers need to follow the guidance and procedures that has been instructed by the TTD (Teachers Training Development). However, different teachers have different techniques in fulfilling every step of the procedures. This research explains the guidance and steps of how flipped materials implemented in LIA. It can be a great source for other teachers to find out how to apply it in their own class.</p>2024-09-23T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SEMIOTICS OF VISUAL IN DOUBLE BLIND MOVIE2024-09-23T15:40:46+00:00Dhea Anggy<p>Visual Semiotics is a new branch of semiotics that analyzes how visual signs or visual images<br>convey messages. In Visual semiotics, signs can be words, sounds, or visual images. The<br>movie of the double blind is one of the categories of visual semiotics. The movie consists of<br>images by using visual semiotics analysis, this research aims to identify the signs contained<br>in Double blind movie and how the signs are interpreted. The movie Double blind as the<br>research data was collected using visual qualitative, the data was analyzed using visual<br>semiotics with the theory proposed by Charles Sanders Pierce. This research uses descriptive<br>qualitative data analysis as the research method. The research results show that there is visual<br>semiotics based on the theory of Charles Sanders Pierce in the movie Double blind (2023).<br>Analyze the data on the object, this research uses semiotic analysis techniques according to<br>Charles Sanders Pierce. Based on this, it can be concluded that the movie Double Blind<br>(2023) can be matched with Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic theory.</p>2024-09-23T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF ONOMATOPOEIA IN WEBTOON COMIC: “PYRAMID GAME”2024-09-23T15:40:46+00:00Fatiya Fahirani Hirvanfatiyafahira54@gmail.comYusmalinda<p>This study focuses on analyzing the types of onomatopoeia found in the webtoon comic<br>Pyramid Game. Onomatopoeia plays a significant role in graphic storytelling, as it bridges<br>the gap between visual elements and auditory experiences. Using a qualitative research<br>method, this study examines the different types of onomatopoeia employed in the webtoon,<br>categorizing them based on their specific functions and characteristics. The research<br>identifies various types of onomatopoeic expressions based on Elizabeth (2024). By focusing<br>solely on the types of onomatopoeia, the study provides an in-depth understanding of how<br>these sound-based words contribute to the comic’s structure and reader immersion. The study<br>found that the webtoon Pyramid Game features five distinct types of onomatopoeia:<br>mechanical, fast motion, musical, food preparation and eating, and fighting onomatopoeia.<br>However, animal-related onomatopoeia is notably absent from the webtoon. This may be<br>because such sounds are typically associated with environments like zoos, while Pyramid<br>Game is set in a classroom. The findings highlight the diverse applications of onomatopoeia<br>in Pyramid Game and underscore their significance in enhancing the comic's overall<br>storytelling and reader experience.</p>2024-09-23T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ESSENTIALS OF LOOKS: BEAUTY STANDARD IN LOCAL BRAND SKINCARE ADVERTISEMENT2024-09-23T15:40:46+00:00Kusnul Khotimahkusnulk573@gmail.comNajla Qothrunnadanajlaqth73@gmail.comSiti Fera Nur Lutfianaferaferaa3@gmail.comAchmad Nabil<p>This research discusses the beauty standards promoted by local Indonesian skincare brands,<br>such as Wardah, Emina, and Kahf, in their advertisements. Beauty standards are often<br>influenced by culture and media, reflecting social preferences for attributes such as fair<br>skin and a natural look. Through a qualitative approach, this study analyzes the visual and<br>textual elements of advertisements to explore how these brands adapt their marketing<br>strategies to the needs of the domestic market. The results show that local brands not only<br>reflect Indonesian cultural values but also begin to challenge the dominance of Western<br>beauty standards. Their advertisements highlight a natural and healthy look, and offer<br>products that are multifunctional and inclusive of various skin tones. In addition, they<br>promote halal and safe formulations, which are relevant to local consumer preferences. The<br>findings illustrate the important role of local brands in shaping a more inclusive perception<br>of beauty, while strengthening consumer loyalty to domestic products. This study<br>contributes to the literature on beauty, media, and consumer behaviour, with a focus on the<br>Indonesian context.</p>2024-09-23T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS STRATEGIES IN ACTORS ON ACTROS PROGRAM ON VARIETY’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL2024-09-23T15:40:46+00:00Nurul Hafizahnurulhafizah773@gmail.comWa’özisökhi<p>This research aims to identify the types of politeness strategies in the Actors on<br>Actors program on Variety’s YouTube channel. The research data were from the<br>Actors on Actors program on Variety’s YouTube channel. The writer applied<br>Leech’s (1983) theory to classify politeness strategies. There are six types of<br>politeness strategies. They are the approbation maxim, agreement maxim, modesty<br>maxim, sympathy maxim, tact maxim, and generosity maxim. This research was<br>qualitative. This study reveals that all types of politeness strategies according to<br>Leech (1983) were found in the Actors on Actors program on Variety’s YouTube<br>channel. The types are approbation maxim, agreement maxim, modesty maxim,<br>sympathy maxim, tact maxim, and generosity maxim. From all types of politeness<br>strategies, it was found that the most common politeness strategy was the<br>approbation maxim. In conclusion, it can be said that the Actors on Actors program<br>used all types of politeness strategies in the Variety’s YouTube channel.</p>2024-09-23T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## AND HYPERREALITY IN BLADE RUNNER 2049 (2017)2024-09-23T15:40:46+00:00Farid<p>Today's world is characterized by the era of simulation and hyperreality, with many<br>artificial realities that take over or even replace reality itself. Many aspects can now be<br>created or simulated through the manipulation of advanced technology, Jean Baudrillard<br>calls this the phenomenon of “hyperreality”. The movie Blade Runner 2049 tells the story<br>of this condition where artificial things are flooding the reality, and the replicants can even<br>replace the role of humans themselves. In this movie, the artificially engineered human is<br>called 'replicant'. Jean Baudrillard's simulacra analysis is the methodology that the<br>researcher uses to analyze the film, as well as taking a qualitative approach. This method is<br>done by observing the entire content of the movie, as well as examining various signs, both<br>verbal and non-verbal, to see the relationship between the Blade Runner 2049 with Jean<br>Baudrillard's hyperreality concept. The phenomenon of artificial humans or replicants, as<br>well as advanced virtual technology and advanced manipulation by technology is very<br>representative of Baudrillard's thinking. Where the world of the future, depicted as full of<br>darkness due to the development of technology itself. Not only does it replace the role of<br>humans, but even trying to surpass God.</p>2024-09-23T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##